Investing in the stock markets is undoubtedly the fastest way to wealth accumulation. However, this is like a double edged sword which if not handled with caution can result in wealth depletion. The company with its membership in the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange helps you handle this with utmost caution maximizing your return while maintaining the risk at lowest possible.
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The derivative segment is the best example to understand the risk-return tradeoff. This segment gives investors an opportunity to earn superlative profit at the cost of an extremely high risk. The derivatives segment has become especially popular over the last few years and provides excellent opportunities for investors/traders to participate in this segment at a nominal margin.
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Depository Participants
The company with a view to serve its clients better secured membership of Central Depositary Services Ltd in 2008 by becoming a Depository Participant (DP). A depository holds securities (like shares, debentures, bonds, Government Securities, etc.) of investors. The balances in the investors account recorded and maintained with the depository can be obtained through the DP.
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